Saturday, 19 April 2008

Smokes are Haram?

back in malaysia,i got a couple of friends who are some what anti-smokers(they dont say it out loud but we know they are) and are really confident that smoking is 'haram'(banned). just recently,i read a blog about someone who just read a 'fatwa' that states smoking is haram. a fatwa for those who didnt know is is a religious edict or a ruling on Islamic law issued by an Islamic scholar(yeah,i copied and paste) .

the argument given was the health issue(well one of the arguments). personally,i dont see how u can ban sumthing because it has health risk.just think bout it(if u have time to waste,that is),we could actually ban almost if not everything just on the basis that they're not good for ur health. too much oxygen aint good for ya.Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity occurs when a person is exposed to high oxygen levels for over 16 hours in pressures of 0.5 bar or more. It occurs in progressive, overlapping phases. During the first phase, fluid floods into the tissues of the lung that are normally filled with air. Bleeding then occurs between the alveoli, destroying capillaries and epithelial cells. Tissues begin producing in an attempt to heal the area. This causes thickening and scarring of the lungs. (another copy and paste).i'll be doing alot of copy and paste for this one cos they're creditable data,and at the moment are since oxygen kills,why cant be ban it?owh yeah,i forgot,we need it to breath and if we dont,we die . even so,ppl could argue that its vital for our lives so it can be bout eating meat? Meat causes the digestion to work hard and this is not efficient. To breakdown food in the body requires a process of burning oxygen which is called oxidation. Oxidation is a process in the body that results in the production of free radicals. Modern science, by the preponderance of the evidence, believes 80 per cent or more of the damage to the body is the result of free radicals. The more difficult digestion, as in the case of digesting meat, the more oxidation is required to breakdown foods. The more oxidation, the more free radicals are produced, which leads to free radical accumulation. Accumulation of free radicals is not considered healthy. so if eating meat is bad for you,why dont we ban it?we can live as vegetarians.

if ure sayin its not as bad as smoking,well the fact remains it still is bad and who dictates the degrees of bad(ness) at which one can issue a fatwa to ban it. and the fact remains that it is deemd haram by a fatwa,not the Quran or a Sunnah.a few things bout fatwa that most didnt know:

There is a binding rule that saves the fatwa pronouncements from creating judicial havoc, whether within a Muslim country or at the level of the Islamic world in general: it is unanimously agreed that a fatwa is only binding on its author.

individuals are free to accept them, but Islam recognizes that extenuating circumstances may prevent it.

i got a couple more but this is getting long so i'm trying to cut it short.some of the things i copy and paste could be wrong(correct me if it is and please do explain how they are wrong) but based on the first one,it implies to the guy who issued the fatwa not every muslim in the world and to be fair to him,he probably knows more than i do(he did argue using the Quran,but then again the interpretation of the Quran differ to some scholars) but i refuse to believe smokes are haram.

act i could type more bout it but i dont want to cos i'm somewhat in the middle in this issue. i know my arguments states that smokings arent haram but i'm not sayin its not bad either.i believe that we are givin a choice in the matter and neither are wrong or with everything,they r good points on smoking but theyre also bad ones,so i'm gonna settle on personal choice rather than anything else. just cos a few ppl think dont like it doesnt mean everyone else has to.

but then again,i'm only 19,wtf do i know bout anything


Anonymous said...

u copied HER blog?? errrr

Anonymous said...

no i didnt,its the opposite

Farquar Haqqani said...

u actually blog bout FATWA?!
respect maa.haha


Anonymous said...

there a first for everything

Anonymous said...

ok. so here's d deal.

if u r referring to me as one of the anti-smoker ppl, anti is a strong word. cant say i 'anti' them as a person. i just dislike em a bit. but yes,i 'anti' them when they smoke around me.

regarding ur thoughts on the health issue. now u c, bare oxygen and meat is NOT bad for u. we NEED oxygen n food to LIVE. ONLY if u take it excessively, then its harmful. but cigarettes itself, even not in excessive use, IS damaging. see the difference?

ok lets take drugs for example. if misused, then only it is haram ryt? if not it has many purposes, medics etc. but cigarettes on the other hand have no benefit AT ALL. u said it had good points. what?if ure saying the advantage is one releases his or her tense by smoking,or gets ideas through smoking, oh boy that just defines what type of person u r. then again diff ppl have diff ways but while ure at it not only do u harm urself but the ppl around u? greaaatt.

on the matter of fatwa,i choose not to have a say in this that much as i myself am not a pro of the principles of fatwa or what so ever but okaaaaaaaay. LETS JUST SAY that smoking isnt haram. its makruh (as sum may say). anyhow, i once heard that if u do makruh stuff continuously, it shall lead to dosa. and for crying out loud, makruh IS sumthing that Allah despises. so ure doing sumthing that Allah hates, over n over n over again. if ure fine with that then go ahead. its ur choice.

n yes, the 'guy' who issued the fatwa clearly knows A LOT MORE than u do =p

of course ppl have the freedom to believe in whatever they want to. and i believe that smoking IS haram.

let us all lead our lives to goodness rather than tragedy.

Firman Allah s.w.t.: Allah menghalalkan bagi mereka segala yang baik dan mengharamkan bagi mereka yang buruk-buruk.
(Al-A'raf : 157)

danial syafiq said...

spot on fiqss. wanted to comment exactly the same thing.

i mean wtf? whats the good point of smoking? come on, ill belanja the person who can at least come out with 3 plus sides of smoking. =/