Monday, 10 March 2008


I've finalised my summer results.for econs,i wont be doing my coursework but i'll do a few retakes which aint so bad once i thought it through.have to push really hard for further maths and physics,well,its just physics(not saying its easy,its just less tedious).this is gonna be the start of my sprint.unlike most ppl i know,they normally go at an average rate(sumthing like jogging)and try to stay constant.what i tend to do is walk if not crawl and as i get closer to the end,i try to sprint.not a very good idea,i know but its just how i am.i have this feeling i'm getting bored of doing the same thing for almost 14years(this is actually my excuse for going on a gap year),i'm still thinking of what to do during my gap year. i had a dream of seeing the aurora borealis(northern lights) in person. for those who never heard of it,google it or even better,wikipedia it. of course,to watch it in person requires me to go up north which probably would cost a in order to be able to afford such a 'bomb' i would have to work for money not just experience. so one of my plans is to get a job,save the money,get a return ticket to somewhere up north(way north) stay there for a week tops(apparently they advice ppl to stay for at least 2 weeks but dont think i can afford that).sounds easy but i dunno,it sounds like a lot of work.finding a good paying job would be a prob.flight tickets..well..i'll probably have to call in a few favours..accomodation,food,stuff like that..aww it sounds too hard. back to point blank..

1 comment:

Farquar Haqqani said...

yo bro!

linked u too my blog
