Thursday, 31 January 2008


i got a friend ebo(ladies beware,he's a god) and he has this thing of saying boo whenever anything goes dull.well my dear firnd,heres one for ya, BOOOO!!!!! wth is wrong with today.i knew it that today was gonna be a bad day(bad things happen in threes) but that was just soooo boring.i wouldnt mind a day of misfortunes,at least its interesting but a boring day?wtf.. my day started out with me having woken up late,a cold shower,dd lessons and speaker, just when i thought nothing else can bore me,tv today came out dull. the only good thing that came out from today was hamchi.i actually got it last night from poh but its up and running now.what it does basically is allow me to 'socialize' a bit more with friends in the network. chong intro-d me to it, jacky persuaded me and jing gave it.thanks you three if ever ure reading this(which i doubt). i just got a bit more tips on pak choi(i typed bak choi in my other blog) and the actual way of cooking it.nicee.i was told this morning that for a guy,i got some cute emoticons,what can i say, i got some cute friends who try to insert their cutenesss into their messenger conversations(which actually works) and cos i kinda like em,i took em .some ppl dont seem to like emoticons though,i dont really see why cos the way i think of it,it avoids misunderstanding of what i'm trying to say. and it does just that. i took em from a lot of ppl(although not part of them,i know quite a number of 'cute' ppl),havent said thanks to any of em but i reckon they understand. i had this weird conversation over supper about tarantino.if none of u ever heard of him ,he's a director. he's the guy who directed(duhh) death proof,hostel 1&2,pulp fiction and kill bill.i think he's sick(have u seen his films?they are sick,ergh) but ted thinks he's cool. conflict of opinions,it alwasy happens doesnt it?thething is,the effects are horrible although the story lines are sumtymes quite amazing. not my fave fact,i dont even know that many directors to be sad is that?i know actors fave is d. washington,he has a thing for picking the righht film to star in and i just love any film with him in it.u gotta see hurricane,the sentinals,american gangster(the quite recent one) and man on fire (cant quite remember the name but i got if off bel). dont download them illegally though cos its a bit unfair to the ppl involved in making the film. they have every right to charge us rip-off prices so that they get super rich and become spoilt.yup,thats right,its their law given right.nah,i'm just joking but seriously dont download them illegally.have u read the papers?50 k if u get caught.i can nvr get that kind of money.i aint nvr gonna download stuff illegally,hell no.owh hell,i'm BS-ing again.gotta learn how to stop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that person was me wasnt it, who said u have lots of cute emoticons for a guy
well i dun mean any thing by that, just saying.