Sunday, 20 January 2008

thinking too much

this could be a bit controversial so dont f@ckin read it if u just takin the piss out of it.anyway,its what i think,its my blog!Recently,i just read this bulletin below,its about a guy who punched a Chinese bloke cos the bloke insulted the guy's prophet:
Baca dengan hati seorang ISLAM
Saya ingin berkongsi cerita in dengananda semua mengenai sikapsegelintir orang Melayu kita atau lebihtepat lagi orang Islam diMalaysia ....
Kejadian benar ini berlaku di CarrefourWangsa Maju beberapa harilepas.Seorang pemuda Islam yang berkerjasebagai 'cashier' di pasarayatersebut telah menumbuk seorang lelakicina. Ini berlaku kerana ketikapemuda cina tersebut sedang membayarharga barangan, pemuda Melayu ini telahmenegur pemuda Cina ini mengenai gambarbaju yang sedang di pakai oleh pemudacina tersebut.Gam bar itu ialah seekor babi yangsedang memakai serban di samping seekoranjing yang memakai tudung lambangagama Islam. pemuda Melayu itu bertanyagambar apakah yang sedang di pakai olehpemuda cina tersebut.Den gan rasa bangga dan tidak bersalah,pemuda Cina itu terus menjawabsambil menunjuk ke arah gambar bajuny adengan mengatakan babi yangmemakai serban itu ialah Muhammad dananjing yang memakai tudung ituialah Khadijah. Mendengar jawapanlelaki tersebut, pemuda Melayu inidengan tidak disangka2, menumbuk mukasi Cina tersebut.Hur u hara lah suasana di carrefour itu.Kemudian pemuda Cina itumemaki hamun lalu datanglah ManagerCarrefour yang juga beragama Islam lalumemecat lelaki Melayu tadi. Apa yang dilakukan oleh Manager Carrefour tadiadalah sa tu etika yang patut dicontohi kerana, menumbuk org sesukahati memanglah salah...Tapi malangnya, Manager tersebut bukanhanya memecat pemuda Melayu tadi yangsedang mempertahankan akidah agamaIslam, tetapi turut memaki hamun pemudaMelayu itu dengan kata2 kesat.Pemuda Melayu ini pulang dengan keadaanhampa. Bukan kerana di pecat,tetapi turut di maki hamun oleh saudaraseislam yang di sangkanya akanturut manjaga maruah orang Islamselepas di hina oleh laki Cina tadi.Sekaran g ni pemuda Melayu ni sedangmenunggu untuk di saman oleh Cinatersebut. Beliau bukan takut malahtidak sabar2 untuk menunggu disamanoleh Cina tersebut kerana beliau adaalasan yang kukuh kerana bertindakdemikia n.Pengajaran nya, sikap pemuda Melayu tadimemang patut di contohi keranaingin menegakkan agama Islam.Pada anda, berhati2 la..kerana sayapercaya, tshirt yang di pakai olehCina tadi adalah salah satu strategiorang2 kafir untuk menjatuhkanmarua h Islam.Sebark an kepada saudara2 Islam kita..!<>1.Jika anda orang islam sila sebarkanmaklumat ini..!!2 .Jika anda orang bukan islam,diingatkan jangan sesekalibermain dengan api di negara malaysiaislam ini----------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry for those who dont understand Malay,I'll translate it when i have the time.The thing about this bulletin is that I find it a bit enlightening to know that the Chinese bloke know Khadijah,which is more than what u would expect from a non-muslim,and what do mostof us know about the bloke's religion?i have no idea. I'm not saying he's to blame for getting punched but i cant say the guy is right to punch him in the first place. But does it change anything by punching him?the person who posted the bulletin in the first place seems to think we should follow in the guys footsteps and punched any other person wearing an insulting shirt. How would that change anything? no wonder ppl think muslims are terrorist,theres muslims telling other muslims to punch other ppl cos of what they wear. i know punching aint as bad as blowing stuff up,but isnt the idea the same. Retaliate by using violence? And by punching ppl doesnt that inflict terror?so could it be that this person is telling muslims to turn in to terrorist?I remember a story about my prophet that was insulted while he was preaching through a town,Gabrielle came down an offered to move two mountains above the town crushing eveyone beneath,and my prophet said no,instead he prayed that their children would see the truth.Even the Islam prophet would not prefer violence,y should other muslims. take up arms only to protect thats what i would say . And whats all this about strategy of non-muslims to insult Islam?now y would they wanna do that?come on,he is just one guy,one guy!!,how Is it right to blame others just cos one bloke wore a controversial t-shirt?Its the same as saying muslims are terrorist cos a few muslims blew up the trade centers?Owh wait,muslims didnt do it,it was a conspiracy by the american gov...No2,its the 'ews..or maybe it was the ch'''se...who f@cking cares!!!some ppl just think too much..when would we learn to accept that there are other ppl with other's a link to a south park series... ..... just watch it, its quite funny..ok back to where i stopped,owh yeah, when would that be? the only way we can get along well is when we ourselves start to be a bit more understanding and chill out a bit.i dont know,this is just the thoughts of a teenager .who am i to say that world peace can be achieved when ppl accept others as they are?.i sumtymes envy the Christians,dont get me wrong,i dont wanna convert into Christianity but have u seen or heard what ppl are saying or how some are portraying Jesus?Loads of shows do it,and u dont see Christians blowing things up. And dont give me the 'they're not devout enough' or 'they cover it up' bullsh!t. U dont see their Pope going 'blow stuff up' ,'go to war',or 'kill infidels'. Quite amazing how ppl could get so paranoid but again,who am i to say about sumone else? Fayzal to be honest,just another guy around the block.funny enough,if we joke about our own religion its fine but if someone else does it its wrong?too much thinking..confuses me..

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