Sunday, 24 February 2008

Boston part5(the last part)

after that wonderful tuesday i know no other day would be as good as that so i kept my expectations low(no way i can afford another day like that,who do ya think i am. wednesday was boring cos i didnt do much. when to MIT in the evening whilst it was raining. i had this idea that God didnt want us to come to MIT so god had rain pouring down(not a very good argument but bear with me,i believe in god).thats pretty much it for the day, at night i had pizza i think form papa johns and they were better than dominos or pizza hut,trustme on this,when it comes to food,i know i have an alright taste.the next few days were boring as well although i did go to as many lectures as i,could is not the right word..bear,perhaps?that happened all the way till sunday with meals coming at the food court and lecs in marriot ,sheraton adn heinze convention centre. on sunday i manage to find the time to go to AX (alone) to get any stuff with the money i'm left with and alsowentto the launderette to wash my luggage wasnt ashavy asi thought it would be but it was pretty full.i swear if it wasnt a very good bag,it would have exploded(not literally,metaphorically).i was a bit sad though cos i didnt manage to buy my lil sys a wii. its not that i dont have the money(i've been saving for a long long time)but i feared my bag just wouldnt fit.its prob my fault cos i bought too many stuff for myself but when else would i ever find the time to be selfish and not feel that much guilt?i'll get her one when i get back to malaysia(if ure reading this,remind me when i get back,kay?)so that was pretty much it. my trip to was enjoyable and worthwhile.

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