Monday, 25 February 2008

The Gondoliers

This day did not turn out as i hoped it would be.I was hoping to catch about 4hours of sleep but it turnd out that once u stoppd its pretty hard to start over.I should have known that since it does happen most of the time.still,i'm getting there,its just a matter of time before i can really manage 4 hours a day. Still need to heat up my room so that the theres least temptation to sleep.the highlight of the day was the Gondoliers,a play i just went to a few minutes ago.I'll be honest,the only reason i went was cos one of my teachers is in it however,i actually enjoyed it.Its a musical (which is the type of plays i normally go to) and the background is set in italy i think. i have to say that the story line was quite predictable but that could possibly be just me(for a person who hears a lot of conspiracy theories,its not that hard to see how this play in particular was gonna unfold) but like i said,i still enjoyed it.last night someone calld me saying that she was at a studio taking salsa lessons(y she calld me whilst she was there?i have no idea)she just startd about a week ago and seems like she enjoys,i'm more into tap dancing which is sumthing i'm gonna look into during the summer but its really doubtful seeing that my parents dont really approve me doing stuff like that. I recall when i was learning the guitar back when i was 12(bear in mind that it was my dads idea). it was really fun and i enjoyd it so much that i try to spend as much time on it.afterawhile though,my dad always gives me sarcastic remarks everytime he sees me on the guitar.if it was a friend ,i would have snapd back but seeing it is my dad i just have to keep it in(theres just somethings u dont say to ur parents).if he preferrd(its not that he hates it or dislikes it)me not playing sumthing he made me do in the first place(which i do enjoy),i reckon if it was sumthing like tap dancing,he would quickly disapprove. But theres always the possibility that he would understand though so i'll take that chance and try. talking bout music,has anyone heard of DANCE by justice?its sucha catchy song(to be fair,the majority of electronica are catchy),i like the kiddy like sound singing it,soo cute. owh,i just found out a trait that i really detest in a person.i'm not really sure what its calld but its just annoying. theres this friend of mine who askd one of his sr's to help him out with his work. i would have help him out but i was so busy watching superbad that i said no when he came to ask.kinda regret it back then but the feelings gone now.back to the guy,now his sr help him out and all was well until lunch time. the sr was talking to one of the teachers boasting on how he did my friends work for him.i'm not sure whether he's being ethical bout it but boasting to a TEACHER on how u did sumone elses work isnt really a smart thing to do is it?and he HELPD expland not do it do it(if u know what i mean). i cant really understand why anyone would ever do such a thing. is it for personal gain? so that the teacher thinks he's a hardworking person(doing others work on top of his own) or maybe to be seen as an honest person?i'm not one to judge but if it was me,i'd never claim to do sumones work when i try to help them out.but then again,he's not me is he?its him,the so self proclaimd 'legend' who thinks the world actually revolves around him.i have never met such a self-centerd person in my life.woah,this is taking it a bit too far.i gotta stop,hatred is not sumthing i wanna get into.fuuh..i try not to hate ppl it never seems to work,like i said before,i was educatd not to hate ppl but rather the actions that they did.i typed this before and trust me i've been trying so hard to get there but theres always a small part of me that just cant help but hate certain ppl.aww man,i think i better stop.thats all,nyte

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