Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Open house and updates
Before the open house,dad made me go around and invite the neighbours all on my own(parents,always make their children do what they cant be botherd to do). I didnt mind really, I kinda like meeting ppl(done a bit of random talks to strangers in my life). Most of the neighbours are actually really friendly(or maybe it was me,nah,cant be)some even invited me in but i didnt have time except for one which i didnt decline since its the last house for that night.i did however get annoyd sometimes,not by the neighbours but by their maids. some of em were just rude.come on,do i look like a salesman or a thief?and not only that,cant some of u learn bahasa or english?if u couldnt speak either one,why did u even bother come to my country!grrr!!
not that i have anything against maids,i just have sumthing against rude individuals who happend to be maids.a bit of courtesy would be nice and i did try very hard not to be rude. did feel kinda bad though cos i did the invites during the night,not really appropriate.
i will be getting a new hp.my lil sis lost hers and dad doesnt want to buy her a new one but agrees that she needs one.sooo,she will be havingmy hp and i'll get a new one.i'm thinking of lg secret or samsung omnia but i'm leaning towards the former.getting lazy,i'll update this one in a bit or just do a new one later.
Saturday, 4 October 2008
this is the url..
dont remind me,at this current moment,my name aint on it yet but just u wait.i'm gonna give the admins a piece of my mind.and since i aint got much else to do,might be a good idea to lend a hand and update/upgrade the website.got this cool feeling knowing that ur family has a website.woah!
Thursday, 25 September 2008
But i want to do that,
Honestly,you are making me pissed,
I'll hit you with a baseball bat,
And I'm not gonna miss.
I really dont know why,
we keep on this fight,
If you're trying to show me the light,
Please bare in mind,
Your so called 'light',
Aint always right.
I know,
I'm immature,
With a heart thats no longer pure,
Not even sure if there is a cure,
But seriously,
This is such a bore.
As time ticks,
the pressure builds up,
I might soon breakdown,
So before I suddenly click,
Cant you just let me pick?
Probably not,
You're just as i thought,
All the while i fought,
Shouldve just waited and rot.
Again,has nothing to do with reality,just random stuff
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Painful Truth
I know I'm only nineteen,
So after saying this
I'll leave this scene.
Just strings of words,
making little or no sense,
yet our relations might become tense,
In all honesty,
I never did have a chance.
My real intention,
was to make a confession,
I have a crush on you,
now, do I have your attention?
Its not the hair,
Or the skin thats fair,
Or the eyes that mesmerize,
Honestly i dont care.
You never were hot,
At least thats what i thought,
Yet you stand out,
Among all the lot.
its the personality,
the fact that you are happy and free,
and the way you laugh with a glee,
it just drives me crazy
this i know is going no where,
time was never there,
we'll never be a pair,
its not like you would ever care.
to me,
You were somewhat cold,
So please return what you have stole,
For its no longer whole,
And the fate that would unfold,
I already know,
Your hand,
Was never meant for me to hold.
Just to be clear,it has nothing to do with reality(dont u get any ideas now)
Thursday, 18 September 2008
I'm Back!
Friday, 6 June 2008
My 'Clever' Minister
I would like to stress that public transport and school bus operators are not affected by the fuel hike because they are entitled to diesel at RM1.43 per litre and they are given fleet cards. There is no reason why they should increase their fares as announced by the bus operators association today,” he told reporters Friday after attending Umno retreat at a hotel here.
Entrepreneur Development Minister Datuk Noh Omar
I wish to think this was a misquote on the reporters part or a mistake made by that minister which hopefully would be corrected sometime in the near future.why?cos err...i'm convinced at the moment that a mas minister would know better than to think that public transport fares wont go up just because they give the same subsidies as before to public transport. They think too much on the busses,trains,wtv that they forgot the drivers,the ticket sellers and anyone who has anything to do with public transport.Those ppl are also hit by the increase in fuel prices,i know a bus driver and he has his own car,i doubt the guy get the same subsidies for his own car. food prices are going up and will continue to go up(i think) as fuel prices go up. so these ppl will have to increase their spending,whether they have the extra money or not,they'll probably ask for higher wages so that feeds into the rising cost of public transport.If that minister truly believes what he said well...i rather not say it..haha
Monday, 26 May 2008
Anyway,lie. About a week ago i got into a discussion with a group of very sophisticated ppl(i'm not part of the group,i was there by chance) and they were talking bout whether lying is just simply wrong.to start of,the scene given was u know your friends gf(using the idea that the friend is a guy seeing that i'm kinda lazy to type both) is cheating on ur friend,so what do you do?i thought the question wasnt really structurd right for the topic,if ur friend doesnt ask u,then ure not telling him anything so its not lying and if ure the one telling that friend of yours that his couple is cheating,it aint lying either.nvrthe less,it was a spontaneous question and i did understood what the guy was trying to say,what would i do if my friend came to me to asking whether i know his couple was cheating.i said early on that if my friend askd and i knew,i'd say it as it is witout holding back cos the act of him asking gives me the hint that he's suspicious of his gf (duhhhh) or even he couldve known it.i didnt agree that lying would be a better option cos even if it does give him a bit of happiness(up to the point that he finds out) that happiness is based on a lie(i didnt say that,someone else did). that got me thinking on a bigger scale,what if those conspiracy theories are true and we're actually living a lie which we see as true. see it this way,theres so many religions out there in the world,how do we know which one is right or wrong.they all could be right up to a point but which one would be right all the way till the end( not gonna talk much about it cos my knowledge is limited on that kinda stuff).
we were then given another situation.what if we know our friend is cheating on his gf and his gf came and ask us about it?its a good question cos its a proof of how u treat ppl differently. if my friend was the one beeinf cheated at and i knew,i'd tell him straight to his face a.s.a.p but when my friend does the cheating,i have doubts i'll ever tell his gf about it. at that moment,i can only figure 3 things to do.
be truthful,
tell her knowing that ure doing the 'right' thing but lose a friend and possible secrets in the future that other ppl might tell me but couldnt do so cos i dont lie.
tell a lie,
feel a bit guilty but it'll pass seeing that i have stml(short term memory loss) and everyones happy(until she find out by herself of course)
not say anything
might give a hint of yes but she keeps on thinking witout knowing for sure.everyones happy
my choice was obvious,i'd lie.it was either that or say i didnt know or keep silent which is almost like a yes.think of it this way,if ure friend didnt cheat,u'd say no in a heartbeat but if he did,u said u didnt know. see the difference?so i'd just lie.i can live wit the guilt but it does seems un 'fair' that u'd allow someone else to live a lie but not ur friend.as a person dubbed with having a heart of stone,i didnt care that much.
someone in the group said she thinks lying doesnt really angers a person,its the fact that u did something wrong.what she said to us was implying that lying to cover up sumthig u did wrong is not wrong..i think. her example was u cheat,u lied to ur gf and u were found out,she's angry cos u cheated not cos u lied.some of us gave replies along the line that in court,if u pleaded guilty,u'd get a lighter sentence than if u pleaded not guilty and was found guilty showing that lying is kinda wrong. i gave an example of a doctor that gives a patient 6 months to live when the patient is just fine. charles(who apparently joined the group this term,it shows,didnt say much during the discussion) thought i said that a doctor cant make mistakes,luckily enough someone put it into an easier form(hmm..i hate this guy,i'm gonna tell him he has 6 months to live).it does imply that lying is wrong.she argued however that lying is lying int he first case was more of covering sumthing up where as in my case its the main thing. the guy in front of us said sumthing bout the degree of lying.he said its alright to lie in some cases.his example was if u just found out ure friends mom was diagnosed with cancer and ure friend(who didnt knew) came to ask u if everythings alright just before his exams,u'd lie to him and say yeah and tell him after his exams.
during supper,charles asked me what i think about the lying.and i remembered and analogy that i once heard back in 02.consider a pen.u can poke someones eye with it or u can write sweet poetry with it.its not the pens fault that u poke someones eye with it.(TJ used to say this and somehow it sticks in my head now) and i told him thats what i think of a lie. its a 'thing' which right or wrong depends on how u use it.of course,theres always the religion issue.not gonna say much except that i think its the variation of interpretations.
a boring entry,i know,probably cos i;m getting boring.today was supposed to be the day i go out shopping but i might just have to move it to tomorrow seeing that i'm not in the mood.weekday shopping is kinda nice ,not that many ppl.no,i aint a shopaholic,i just errr..outgrow my clothes quickly..nothing wrong with being 19 and still growing.till i get the incentive to type again.ta
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Exam preparations
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Reply: kyd and pau, and sumthing else
this is gonna look unbalance seeing that i am the one holding the pen(the author of the blog laa) but there are truth in my words if not all of em are true(please do correct me if i'm wrong). Dr. Frank M. Sacks of Harvard Medical School's Channing Laboratory in his experiment which can be found in Aug. 7 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association, has proven,i repeat PROVEN that eating meat can cause negative health effects which in other words is BAD. however, just because it is bad,does not mean that its no good. Meat and oxygen are just examples of how good things can be bad if u look at another angle.if one argues that cigs are always bad for you then how bout soft drinks or red meat?vehicles running on fuel if u think bout it,they have exhaust fumes that are dangerous to ppl and environment,if i used the same argument u used for second hand smokes, cars running on petrol and airplanes could actually be haram.
Almost if not everything in this world as we know it has its pros and cons. in the book the logic of life written by Tim Harford, he agrees with Von Neumann and Chris Ferguson among others that people act rationally when they do sumthing(i really enjoyed reading it,have ago if u have the time).based on this understanding, if people smoke then those ppl must have calculated(either conscious or unconsciously) that the pros out weigh the cons. i quote
danial syafiq said...
spot on fiqss. wanted to comment exactly the same thing. i mean wtf? whats the good point of smoking? come on, ill belanja the person who can at least come out with 3 plus sides of smoking. =/
21 April 2008 05:32
i am gonna give u ur 3 reasons(although there are more,i just wanna keep this brief) so u can belanje me when i get back unless of course its wrong.
1)Smoking lowers Parkinson's disease risk
Evan L. Thacker from Harvard School of Public Health and colleague reported in the March 6th issue of Neurology, compared to people who had never smoked and were considered to have "normal" Parkinson's disease risk, former smokers had a 22-percent lower risk of Parkinson's disease and current smokers had a 73-percent lower risk.
2)Reduces the risk of Breast Cancer
Jean-Sebastien Brunet, lead author of a study being published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, that the incidence of breast cancer was 54 percent lower among heavy smokers than among nonsmokers.
3)Less risk of Alzheimer
In an article in The Times of London (9/7/93), Dr. James Le Fanu provided an examination of the research on smoking and its apparent protective effect for certain diseases. Dr. Le Fanu stated unequivocally: "Smokers have a 50 per cent reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's--and the more smoked the greater the protection."
I have to point out that all these arent the opinion a 19 year old but opinions of established medical researchers in their own fields.
moving on to the point of whether it is makruh or haram. i have to say i just dont know.it could halal for all i know . its one of those things that u were told ever since u were young and u still believe to this day. i'm at the stage of my life where i like to question when it is in doubt .i'm still confuse though which is the right way to go, ok until its proven not ok,or not ok until proven ok..in this matter i would assume most ppl to say not ok until proven ok but in diff circumstances(eg court cases) if u think of it as innocent until proven guilty or guilty until proven innocent,i'll prob get a diff answer.
i really appreciate ur thoughts and views and i quote u kyd,who quoted the quran
Firman Allah s.w.t.: Allah menghalalkan bagi mereka segala yang baik dan mengharamkan bagi mereka yang buruk-buruk.
(Al-A'raf : 157)
i am not an Islamic scholar but i think it is safe for me to assume that most of us if not me alone, dont know to what extent is baik and buruk2,i have nvr heard that its been specified in the quran(do tell if it is).eg, most would say the act of killing is wrong but when its extended to killing as a result of defending ones life is it different?lets say he can defend himself witout killing the other person but still kills the other person?..what bout if he is able to defend himself witout killing the person but chooses to kill the person so that he wont be killd if ever he is caught of guard? theres so many different ways to look at sumthing so deciding whether its good or bad depends on how u look at it.
i have to stress now that if anyones a non smoker and reads this and wants to start smoking(dont think that'll ever happen,but just in case)please dont.i didnt write this to encourage ppl to smoke, just wntd to point out that there could be other views on it. however both me and the ppl i quote can be wrong,Einstein once said " If the facts dont fit the theory,change the facts". and please bear in mind,although i am giving proof of smokes can be good,it does have negative effects. but most ppl probably know what they are so no need to say a word. i'll try not to do another reply on this particular topic even if sumone writes(types) a 400 word essay comment underneath cos this is one of those things that can be dragd on and i prefer to do simple entries like my life and what i do. apologies to both kyd and pau for referring to their comments witout their consent. on that note,till i find something better and simpler to blog about,later
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Smokes are Haram?
the argument given was the health issue(well one of the arguments). personally,i dont see how u can ban sumthing because it has health risk.just think bout it(if u have time to waste,that is),we could actually ban almost if not everything just on the basis that they're not good for ur health. too much oxygen aint good for ya.Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity occurs when a person is exposed to high oxygen levels for over 16 hours in pressures of 0.5 bar or more. It occurs in progressive, overlapping phases. During the first phase, fluid floods into the tissues of the lung that are normally filled with air. Bleeding then occurs between the alveoli, destroying capillaries and epithelial cells. Tissues begin producing in an attempt to heal the area. This causes thickening and scarring of the lungs. (another copy and paste).i'll be doing alot of copy and paste for this one cos they're creditable data,and at the moment are facts.so since oxygen kills,why cant be ban it?owh yeah,i forgot,we need it to breath and if we dont,we die . even so,ppl could argue that its vital for our lives so it can be accepted.how bout eating meat? Meat causes the digestion to work hard and this is not efficient. To breakdown food in the body requires a process of burning oxygen which is called oxidation. Oxidation is a process in the body that results in the production of free radicals. Modern science, by the preponderance of the evidence, believes 80 per cent or more of the damage to the body is the result of free radicals. The more difficult digestion, as in the case of digesting meat, the more oxidation is required to breakdown foods. The more oxidation, the more free radicals are produced, which leads to free radical accumulation. Accumulation of free radicals is not considered healthy. so if eating meat is bad for you,why dont we ban it?we can live as vegetarians.
if ure sayin its not as bad as smoking,well the fact remains it still is bad and who dictates the degrees of bad(ness) at which one can issue a fatwa to ban it. and the fact remains that it is deemd haram by a fatwa,not the Quran or a Sunnah.a few things bout fatwa that most didnt know:
There is a binding rule that saves the fatwa pronouncements from creating judicial havoc, whether within a Muslim country or at the level of the Islamic world in general: it is unanimously agreed that a fatwa is only binding on its author.
individuals are free to accept them, but Islam recognizes that extenuating circumstances may prevent it.
i got a couple more but this is getting long so i'm trying to cut it short.some of the things i copy and paste could be wrong(correct me if it is and please do explain how they are wrong) but based on the first one,it implies to the guy who issued the fatwa not every muslim in the world and to be fair to him,he probably knows more than i do(he did argue using the Quran,but then again the interpretation of the Quran differ to some scholars) but i refuse to believe smokes are haram.
act i could type more bout it but i dont want to cos i'm somewhat in the middle in this issue. i know my arguments states that smokings arent haram but i'm not sayin its not bad either.i believe that we are givin a choice in the matter and neither are wrong or right.as with everything,they r good points on smoking but theyre also bad ones,so i'm gonna settle on personal choice rather than anything else. just cos a few ppl think dont like it doesnt mean everyone else has to.
but then again,i'm only 19,wtf do i know bout anything
Friday, 18 April 2008
1 Litre of Tears
Monday, 14 April 2008
(excuse the pics with the wrong way up,too lazy to turn it around)
gabs,the guy who owns the damn thing
ted,the guy who persuaded me to do it
josh ,the guy who did it to me
now,what i am about to blog would be a shocker.my sibs didnt want me to do it,most ppl dont think i'll ever do it and some would kill me if they knew.well ladies and gentlemen,i have shaved my head.shocking yes but believe that it is true.heres an after pic..
omg...i look sooooo weird.at first gabs told me that a 4 would be short but not too short but ted somehow persuaded me to go down to a 2.i'll put up a very funny pic of what happened somewhere between my past and present hair hopefully tomorrow when my bluetooth gets up and running but at the moment these are the only ones i can put up.still cant get over the fact that i've shaved my head(well josh did most of it but i did do the first stroke)hill keeps laughing at it although glass and seb thinks it looks really good(probably just to cheer me up).regardless, its not like i can do anything with it(glass did offer his cap) so i'll just have to live with it until it grows long.the only thing is that i got around 2 months to let it grow back before coming back to kl where homocidal friends would kill if they saw me.personally i dont know what to think cos i dont really care that much bout how i look.i'm always dull regardless whether my hair is long or short,it wont change anything in a large scale.i'm just gonna stop here for the day and mourn for my lost hair(since thats the only thing i can do).i'll do another one as soon as i find the time.
Monday, 17 March 2008
i wanna go home
i'll stll be here tomorrow but i'll be off to london on wednesday.as some of u might or might not know,my flight is on thursday night meaning that i have about a day and a bit to do a bit of shopping that is if my wallet permits me to do so. i've done my packing(roughly) and i reckon its about 10kg which leaves me with 15 left.someone wantd me to get him a souvenir from here and i have no idea what kind to get.cos..key chains are boring,lighters..well he doesnt smoke..chocs,u can get back at home,maps he can print off google,caps he can get,harrods bag..useless and theres a harrods at klia,so,to stop confusing myself,i've decided to get him something i often give my friends everytime i come back from england,nothing!(haha)i'm not being rude (i seriously am not),he's coming to a uni here in sept 08 which is like a few months away so he can get it himself. we chat through msn just now and it makes me more homesick really.
the last time i saw him was jj 7's where he playd for the kysers(he's not even from kys,but then again,apeq wasnt either)the night before the jj 7's,apeq gave me a call inviting me to play for the kysers,(luckily i managed to use my dislocated shoulder as an excuse to get me out of this one)straight after that fariq(the not so big one) gave me a rang.he didnt have a place to stay for the night so i offerd my place. my mom nvr did mind me having guest in the house (a common trait with ebo's mom)at that time he was driving a proton which is incomparable to his now bmw. we woke up early the next morning cos he had a game to get to.initially,i didnt wanna come but seeing that i agreed with some of my friends to meet up there,i just went along,he needed company anyway.that was roughly the last time i saw him,about 6-7 months ago.
funny how u barely meet ur friends although having gone back every 4 months or so.when i say friends,i meant a large number of friends not just bestfriends. the last break i had i went out with the same ppl so many times .the fact that everyone is so busy with wtv their doing means that theres barely time to meet up.if only we had more fariqs(a few size bigger than the last one,easier to ask out,always in contact),keeping in touch would be soo much easier.owh hell..i take that back,we dont really want more fariqs in the world,one is more than enough.another reason i'm not seeing them is cos our holidays are not allignd. by the time i reach home, taylors would at the end of their break and my only hope comes from kyuem which has roughly a week left of their 3 weeks holiday.
i'm gonna be optimistic about itand see it as a sign.a sign that god wants me to study so that i dont flunk my exams in the summer.i even have to teach my self particle physics which icant really be bothered with but its not like i have a choice in the matter.at least my dad wont give any of his sarcasm if he sees me working.putting those a side,i got something interesting to share.today was basically average with almost nothing going on and me being unproductive(like any other day).had a chat with a very good friend of mine(azwan) who might have realised my boredom and decided to give me a url to a very2 interesting video.it literally made my day.so to anyone who's reading this blog,i i give u the link to ken leee(i have no idea how to do this so i just put down the link)
Friday, 14 March 2008
Bani came down part 2
bani coming down..continued
where was i,owh yeah,my mom woke us up with here cooking so we had breakfast.found out that bani's sister was helping my mom out and my mom was telling us how helpful bani's sister was compared to us.i would have told her that we sacrificed our morning just to pick them upand we'll be theone driving her to her school but i didnt cos that would just be rude,she's my mother what can one expect.anyway,after breakfast and a few games of pro evo(i won all of mine although ifu ask ebo,he'll say i was using the diving function excessively) we drove of to cyberjaya.now between the 5 of us,no one has ever driven to ssp and our one and only human map only functions when we get to a certain point in cyberjaya.we were pretty much dependent on road signs from my house all the way there.it took us one hour and a bit to get to ssp,as we drove through the fron gate,i swear the security guard was giving us this funny look.i cant blame him,if i was in his position,i would have done the same.just imagine,theres 4 guys in the car and only one girl and its an all girls school.we agreed to call ourselves sibs if anyone ever asked. ssp was a dull place,no doubt about it but we did meet our old teacher(well,he's act my old teacher but he was at the teaching at our old school so its the same diff).we made a joke bout him but i dont think its right to type it here since this is an open blog and i aint gonna get myself in trouble. we talkd for a bit(the rest didnt feel comfortable) and went back to the car.
whilst bani was helping his sister with her stuff,i decided to catch some z's, so equippd with my new found sunnies(GA..wohoo) i tried to doze off but couldnt.ireckon ebo had the same prob cos we ended up getting out ofthe car and chatting at this really ancient gazebo.guess who wasnt with us?azwan.being the babe magnet that he is,he decided to do a hit and run(which means attract and leave really)haha,actually cancel that,it didnt happen that way(sorie mate).he thought the car wasnt comfortable enough so he went to one of the common rooms ,i think, which was equippd with aircond.he did askd us whther we wntd to join him but both of us had a feeling its gonna turn out bad and it did it if i aint mistaken.i kinda forget what happen next.
as we where about to leave,we saw bani's sister looking a bit sad sooo we gave her a few shouts of encouragement as well as farewell tears(metaphorically).after that we headed to ou to help bani shop for his gf back in perlis.i dont know his gf personally(its been a few months i think) but seems like he likes her a lot(thats kinda obvious,shouldnt have typed that).we went in to a number of shops and i believe he bought her a hoodie at the end,cant recall from were though.i'm positive that its not nike since this incident which i'm gonna tell a bit later on.we didnt have waffles at ww which is a rarity.we normally do,not just because we love waffles but for some other reason which i cant tell for a friends sake but if ure curious go to ww ou and u'll know y.its pretty obvious really.we finishd there and i drove everyone back home except bani of course who i sent to the bus station.(did i mention we took turns driving?me,ebo and azwan of course,bani couldnt since he doesnt know the way)
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Bani came down part 1
Bani coming down(cant remember the date)
Bani calld me one day saying that he's coming down(he 'came down' to kl from perlis....,what were u thinking?)to accompany his sister to school(it was going back to school day)and he askd me to help buy his bus ticket for him cos he feared that they could be sold out or wtv.i would have helpd him if i could but i couldnt.i was about to go on a family trip to singapore and the day(night to be exact) i arrived back in kl would be a few hours before he arrived.he told me i didnt have to do it if i didnt want to but seeing that we were such close friends back in the 'old' days,i just had to help out.so,i thought,how the hell am i going to do this.well i cant,so i seekd help from a professional.some say he can drive around pj blindfolded but all i know is,he is calld EBO. it wasnt the wrong choice either.he made a few calls himself,got someone to buy the ticket(izhan,i reckon i should at least mention it,actually,it couldve been me who told izhan to get it and pass it to ebo) and not only that,he even agreed to tag along with me.so theres the two of us. we thought that it would be much better if we can get another guy to go along with us so we took out our trusty hps and dial one number(we were calling the same person),sadly enough,neither of us can get through(he's prob talking to his someone)so we turn to another form of contacting ppl,messenger. we both saw him online so we had a three way conversation and he agreed quite easily(the stuff we do for friends,lovely aint it?)not only that,he even agreed that we should crash at his place before picking bani and his sister up(didnt i mention we were picking bani AND his sister?)so all was agreed.so i went to singapore,ebo got the ticket(indirectly),azwan..well,i just assumed he did his own thing(have to say though his own thing normally consist of being with someone).came back to singapore,cleared immigration,got our luggage(i really dont see how this is related).i was barely in my house for 10 mins cos i was in such a rush(dont really know y).went straight for the jazz keys and drove off to ebo's place.at this point,someof u might think,wtf is wrong with this kid,u barely got home and ure going out again?what about your parents?its probably my fault if these questions pop into any of your heads.i told my parents beforehand(approx a week before) that i would be rushing out that night we arrived home to pick bani and his sister up the next morning. my parents know bani personally(like i said,we're close friends,i even crashed at his place once)so they didnt mind at all.anyway,back to the story, got to ebo's house,pickd ebo up and drove to azwans crib.oddly enough,i found myself stalking his(azwan) neighbours house.well,it aint really stalking,its just turning the ligths off and slowing down as we get closer to the house and stop when we reached a near enough distance. somehow me and ebo found amusement in that(i seriously cant answer if u ask me y).so azwans place, pickd him up,and went to eat at rasta while watching a bit of footie.it wasnt long before we headed back to azwans place and call it a nyte,well i did,the other two were so busy txting on their hps they were pretty much kept awake for the most part of the nyte(call me antisocial if u wish,but in my defence,i aint in the same league as those two so cut me some slack).some might wonder why we all had sleep in azwans place,well heres the thing,we had to wake up around 4-5 ish.if we were in diff places that night,one of us had to wake up so early that the guy who had to do it probably wouldnt have gone to sleep at all.anyway,we didnt get much sleep anyway that night,those two were still txting at 1-2 am and me being the person i am couldnt really go to sleep due to all the music which was made by the pressing of hp buttons and ringtones.in the end we did manage to get a couple hours of sleep(literally a couple).we used our hps as alarms to wake us up and they did a pretty good job at it(that is until we turnd them off and doze off again)the thing that made us wake up i nthe end was my phone i think and bani was calling it.ouch. he clld to say that he arrivd so being the nice friend i am,i told him i was on my way there(come on,dont tell me u nvr did that b4).it took us about 15 mins to freshen up and sneak out ofthe house(theres the alarm,the door,the gate).once we got to duta,bani and his sister joind us and the three of us went blank.we have no idea where to go from here cos at first we thought of sending bani's sister to putrajaya but it was so early in the morning and we werent cruel enough. going back to azwans place would be hard(,theres the gate,the alarm,the door),so it was either ebos place or mine.we decided at the end it was going to be my place cos 1)my mom would have waken up already 2)she'll understand the situation.so my place it was. it was predictable what was gonna happen at my place,the three of us would go to sleep,bani would surf the web and his sister...i dunno what she did but she did sumthing.we were woken up by the smell of my moms cooking(at least i did)and went down for breakfast.to be continued...
i knowthis story is being dragged on,theres so much useless details that i typed ,i really dont hav the time cos i need to do a bit of work so i have to stop now.i'll continue tomorrw though
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Making a change
Monday, 10 March 2008
Sunday, 9 March 2008
wasted time and revolution of the chain msgs
----------------------------------Original message from aziemah:----------------------------------Original message from nasir:----------------------------------Original message from MuSaFiR:----------------------------------Original message from AsH:----------------------------------Original message from A I N:----------------------------------Original message from heLLspERM:----------------------------------Original message from Tg Reeza:----------------------------------Original message from tini:----------------------------------Original message from elmy:----------------------------------Original message from MiSz SaLLy:----------------------------------Original message from khairil:----------------------------------Original message from AisYAh:----------------------------------Original message from LoRreTha:----------------------------------Original message from MIZ_LOWKEY:----------------------------------Original message from AyA_d0e:----------------------------------Original message from -AiMiE-:----------------------------------Original message from SyAa:----------------------------------Original message from fareezan:----------------------------------Original message from -Zaid-:Dear Friends,Please do not take this for a junk letter. Bill Gates is sharing his fortune. If you ignore this you will regret later. Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet companies and in an effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test.When you forward this e-mail to friends, Microsoft can and will track it (i f you are a Microsoft Windows user) for a two week time period.For every person that you forward this e-mail to, Microsoft will pay you $245.00, for every person that you sent it to that forwards it on, Microsoft will pay you $243.00 and for every third person that receives it, you will be paid $241.00. Within two week! s, Microsoft will contact you for your address and then send you a cheque.mai kita cuba ........ramai2.....aku dah dapat semalam...RM5,449.00 selepas T/T ke bank akaun aku.Norhafizah Binti Abdul HalimSetiausahaPengarah MARA NegeriKedahTel:04-7313060/7335780 DL: 04-7331734Faks: 04-7319156email: norhafizah@mara.gov.mykite try, test, tengok..... X rugi pun....tu la masalah dia sekarang nie wan, aku baru je balik dari bank in cheque USD13k++ dlmFCY a/c kat bawah tadi. Ade 3 day float...... aku yg jadi confuse...biar betul beb duit nie.....kita tunggu dulu, kalu clear duit tu, aku habaq kat smua nooo.....Thanks and RegardsROSFAN MOHD SUBBIANTrade Finance Ops03-2034 5861Nie betullah?4 tahun lalu aku dapat email nie..aku forward lah..masa tu masih bute IT lagi kan , so percayalah..tup tap tup tap..6 bulan kemudian aku dapat email memohon alamat aku..terkezut aku biler 2 minggu kemudian aku dapat cek bernilai $16, 456.32..giler babi nye seronok?tu dalam US Dollar..biler aku covert, masa tu 3.8?kirelah..Nah,Pada sesapa yg terrer pasal internet tu, tlg cfm sat.... buleh caya ke?
i purposely left the original msg from thingy and just to add a bit,i got at least 15 of these(no BS).could some one please explain to me why anyone would ever waste their time making this kind of things up and send them around?what fun would one get from passing aroung such msgs?have to say though,this one is revolution to the normal chain msgs. for a first,it doesnt tell you to send to a fix number of ppl(normally its 10/20),no bad luck from not doing it, details from a person who did get the money(lets be honest,who the hell would send the msg again and put in their details on it just to say they got the money) and encouraging ppl to send it by saying theres nothing to lose if u did. i dont really care bout chain msgs cos i normally just ignore and delete them but this one is just sooo annoying.the person who came up with this one is really creative,hey its original,but dont u have anything else to do with your life? i'm disappointed that i have so many 'friends'(gotta admit that in my youth,i did just simply add ppl regardless whether i know them or not,trying to repair that now,i'm deleting those i dont know whenever i have the time and as one can see,my friends list is getting shorter by the day) that actually believe in this kinda thing.cant say i blame them 100%,the prospect of easy money is tempting to most but theres a saying that theres no such thing as a free lunch(i could give examples to prove it wrong but that aint the point) and my dad often tells me not trust easy money(he proves this by giving me this look whenever i offer to pay the bill,haha,).i recall having read about a get rich quickly scheme(skim cepat kaya) a few years ago and millions of ringgit were 'stolen' from ppl around the country.those who fell for it,well,u got no one but urself to blame. if making money was so easy i reckon we would have solved our poverty problem by now. this is actually my 2nd entree of the day,i typed one just a few minutes ago but as i was about to post it,my connection bro so i'm pretty pissed off right now but as i said before,sh!t happens.anyway, gonna end with a joke(if u can call it a a joke that is) by a friend of mine.heard bout the idea of taxing obese ppl for being fat?absurd aint it?i dont really see the problem as fat ppl tend to consume more food so they might be paying more tax on food than skinny ppl.anyway, theres this govt that wanted to tax stupid people for their stupidity.its very tempting u see as stupid ppl are easily manipulated to pay the tax.however,the govt had a few probs ,among them were how are they to implement it and what name should they give to the tax as a stupidity tax would be too obvious and would also cause an uproar.the govt consultd a group of economist and one of the economist gave an answer in mere seconds,"sirs,i'm sorry to say that we already have such a thing and its called the lottery".
Thursday, 6 March 2008
not in the mood
1)dont talk to me for the next couple of days
2)dont even bother txt-ing me cos i wont reply
3)dont ever ask me why
4)dont give me advice cos we both know i'll just ignore it
5)dont even dare telling me how its my fault cos i f@cking know it already
i'm sorry but i wont be blogging for the next few days due to personal reasons. anything important can be emailed.
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
nice doing business with ya
today was just wow.i won both football games today(the arsenal one plus a game against bedford i think) and i'm doing well on my challenge. almost nothing went wrong today. if ure curious bout the thing i typed above,well if u really have to know, i got this prob see,its not a biggie but its not sumthing i should be doing in the first place.i got an ego prob.whenever arsenal goes up a really really good team(eg. ac),i'm normally asked to put my money where my mouth is and most times,i do (i hate it when ppl talk crap bout arsenal).anyway,this time around we won,and hell i'm not gonna give anyone a break at all.not even if he was my brother.still waiting for april 12 which is gonna be a really tough game against manu and as i told some ppl before,i'll repay every word,every tease plus interest.a bit harsh aint it?i know,butits justtheway it is, mess with the team and u'll get it for sure.todayisall bout football(duhh,dont expect me to write bout health and fitness).waht a day.
Monday, 3 March 2008
what?this is eaaasy
Mixed weekend
Friday, 29 February 2008
One day when your ego is in bloom,
One day when you have the feeling,
You are the most important person in the room.
Take a bucket and fill it with water,
Put your arm in up to the wrist,
Pull it out and the hole that is left there,
Will be the measure of how much you will be missed
This was sent to me by my dad. seeing that my dad aint a poet,its not always he sends me sumthing like this,in fact this is a first,i never read nor heard any poetry my dad ever made(i doubt he did any when courting my mom). i'm not 100% sure that he made this (although he did claim it as his own)theres always the possibility that his lecturers or teachers could have told him in passing(he once did english lit,for some reason that i am not aware of) but in his defence,it doesnt really sound like sumthing a teacher or lecturer would tell u. the point that he's trying to show to me is fairly easy to understood,i got it the first time he told me bout it(it was during one of our family 'dinners') and still he sends it to me via email as a reminder. i have this feeling that he thinks i might let my ego get the better of me(it is a possibility seeing that some ppl have told me before that i do have some ego issues but then again some ppl say quite the opposite) and if he thinks that way than i'm gonna prove him wrong,its not like i've never done it before,it'll be another sweet victory and an 'i told u so moment'. just exp a power cut which is kinda annoying when ure writing a blog.it didnt last long so it really didnt matter. today was a bit too windy for my taste(i detest the cold when i'm awake,although i do love em when i'm asleep).not gonna type that long today,not really in the mood.when i woke up this morning i knew it was gonna be a long day so expectations of today was low and hey,its as expected,average.hopefully tomorrows gonna be a better day
Thursday, 28 February 2008
why r u writing so damn long?
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
making it right
going to today,well,just another wednesday really(except for my awakening of course).i might be able to 'rob' a few maggi mee's from two of my friends which is a good thing(for me at least).had my first innocent smoothies bottle since i cant even remember when.if any of u never had it before then search for it,kill sumone if u have to,its worth every blood drop(unless its mine of course,mines priceless)actually no,dont kill anyone,i dont want to be blamed if sumone died over a smoothie that i said was worth killing for.but its just one ofthose luxuries i can only afford to have once awhile,seriously.i know my dad told me that its ok when it comes to food but the price when you think about it is just..sooooo expensive.fair enough it uses 100% recycle bottles and 100% fruits as its ingredients but with that kind of price,i can actually get 3 coke cans for each smoothie. and hell,even when it comes to coke i have to think twice if not thrice.at 50p,its killing me financially. back to today,again i tried to go to the ca office but i have no idea how to open the door ,i tried pulling,pushing,turning the nob,nothing happens,its like they dont want me to be in. so trying to not make myself look like an idiot trying to break in,i just bolted(when i think back,bolting makes it look more like i was trying to break in). bought myself a new set of stationaries from the bookstore,i thought i needed a change in working conditions and tools to mark my 'change'.end of the day.bring on tomorrow
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
get well Nik
Monday, 25 February 2008
The Gondoliers
Sunday, 24 February 2008
back to the present
Boston part5(the last part)
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Boston part 4(wont be long now)
and trust me,i nvr regret going there but if ever i had the chance agian.i'll drag my parents along with me,the bill was too horrifying. we had a 3 course meal(since its such a nice place ,might as well just go all out) and i had the best meal amongst all of us(come on,u know its true).i'll put the pics up in my other blog as soon as i can,gonna take a new perceptive.the only let down was the fruit punch,i was really hoping for an actual freshly made fruit punch but what came was ..not up to par.but still,the meal was amazing esp the legendary morton choc cake.thebest i have ever tasted in my life and trust me,i've tastd some good choc cakes in my life.this one is specially made for one person with a hot chos syrup in the middle accompanied by a scoop of vanilla icecream.it was wow.thats pretty much it for tuesday but still,the best day in the trip.
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Boston part 3
omg..i need to omit stuff from the next one,i'm gonna miss out current stuff if i just type about boston.ergh.tuesday i spent the whole night playing games(what a geek!!) but it was fun although it took a huge toll on me the next day(i was nodding in physics so much that i reckon mr Meatyard might think i was soo into the lesson).didnt do me good though.manage to control myself a bit(just a bit,at least its an improvement) yesterday and feeling a lot better today.owh, my lil sys sent me a card which almost brought tears to my eyes(nah..just joking) but call it luck or wtv,the thing arrived 13th feb.omg...if she knew she'd be thrilld.still havent unpack my stuff from the trip(i went to the launderette the day we were meant to leave so everything is clean) and i think i'm gonna leave them in there.cos if i put any of those stuff in the laundry here,chances are they're gonna shrink and it'll end up on my bros wardrobe.and i aint gonna let that happen. last time i went back he borrowed my jacket to go to a prom(ahh yes..the good old boys when i was young).true ,that has nothing to do with my clothes getting shrunk but my jacket ended up in my bro's wardrobe(although i did take the opportunity to get a new one it still aint as good as the first one).JIng seems to like the beef jerky i bought for him although its the wrong brand(sorie jing).i reckon i had beef jerky before but cant quite recall where.hm...i was thinking of writing an entree for my other blog but at this rate,is not gonna happen. thats it for today.times up